Saturday, August 20, 2011


I just went through about 200 pictures, going back to about when Evan was born, from my phone's camera. They are not high-quality, because my phone and its camera are cheap, but that didn't make them any less fun to discover. Remember having forgotten rolls of film developed? I used to love that -- the anticipation and the surprise. Here's a sampling of what was on my phone.

Breastfeeding a baby doll. She spent a lot of time doing this right after Evan was born, and I never stopped thinking it was funny.

Back in the days of running with the double stroller.

Post-run: Asleep and windblown.

This is one of the first times Claire's climbing got her into trouble, and I am not proud that I was taking a picture instead of running to save her, but I didn't realize the stroller was about to flip. This is the instant before it happened. Note that the front tire is off the ground. (She wasn't hurt -- the handlebar broke her fall.)

Amanda after completing the Shamrock 'n' Roll 5k!

The once-ubiquitous "Beat Duke" pin.

The Strength in Numbers Convention at Sallie's while the guys were on their annual golf trip at the beach last spring.

Gracie and Claire.

Evan and Lily.

Amy's birthday party at Eye Candy Gallery that same weekend.

Claire's first time eating fried chicken on the bone. She loved it.

Illicit fun with my makeup.

A rare nap in the car -- on the way home from the beach.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, what a great retrospective. Claire has certainly changed more than I realized. You certainly found a treasure. Love, Dad

Dad said...

I don't know why, but your blog won't let me comment via my google account or even open ID. So that's why I'm always your anonymous Dad. : )

Dad said...

As you can see, I've got that figured out. : )

Libba said...

awe - great pictures! i've seen that rubix cube car in town too! so glad you thought it was cool enough to take a picture - or at least crazy enough. what fun.