Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let's review

Another crazy week, filled with good reasons for not blogging.

Last Thursday I got to have a much-anticipated catch-up lunch with Lauren G. and later that afternoon Mom and I went to an "author event" (presentation and book signing) featuring none other than Kate, whose book is the No. 1 paperback nonfiction seller in the Sandhills right now! Congratulations, Kate! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, but I stole these from Kate's Facebook.
That evening Matt and I got to have dinner with Granny and Granddaddy, finally, after it was delayed by snow the week before.

Friday and Saturday Mom and I went to Charlotte to see Lib and Jorge and baby Ruthie (again). If you can believe it, I didn't take a single picture. (I quit the daily photo blog for good this time -- it was way more work than fun.) Like the last visit, we spent the bulk of our time hanging out in the living room, passing around the sweet baby girl. Late, late Friday night we got into one of the long, introspective discussions that I love SO much about my and Lib's friendship. We also squeezed in some great eating, and on Saturday Mom, Lib and Ruthie trekked across town with me to the one mall with a GapMaternity so I could try on some pants. Thank you for being incredibly gracious hosts, Armentas! We love you so much.

Sunday I went on a great long run in the gorgeous weather and then Matt and I WON the chili cookoff that was part of Ron's Super Bowl party! Here's the recipe (it's really spicy but easily toned down):

Jenn and Matt's Spicy Deliciousity Chili

1 pound ground beef
1/2 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes (undrained)
1 14.5-ounce can Italian-style diced tomatoes (undrained)
1 8-ounce can tomato sauce
1 8-ounce can tomato paste
1/3 cup water
1 15-ounce can kidney beans (drained and rinsed)
1.5 tablespoons chili powder
3/4 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Dash of cayenne powder

Brown beef; drain. Add beef and all other ingredients to crockpot and cook until time to eat. We got a late start Sunday so it only cooked (on high) for about 3 hours but that seemed like plenty. This makes 4 servings.

Yesterday Granny, Amanda and I accompanied Mom to a routine doctor's appointment in Chapel Hill. After the appointment we had a great lunch, introduced Granny to Trader Joe's and hit up a few good thrift stores. I didn't find anything earth-shattering but I did buy a Jonathan Kozol book I didn't have and an old book by Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of "Nickel and Dimed," for a quarter each.

Today I've been trying to catch up on the work I've neglected with all this fun stuff. In two hours I have to get my third and final (for now) cavity filled and I'm going to try to talk to the dentist about sealants again. Not only are the fillings painful but they're expensive -- I just got the bill for last week's.


Ally said...

I read and enjoyed a book by Kozol in college but had sort of forgotten about him.

I checked out Trader Joe's for the first time last week and liked it. Wish there was one near by.

Ken Loyd said...

I found the Trader Joe's and Whole Foods closest to Lenox Square when I was in Atlanta. Believe me, I got points for these finds!

Kaitlin said...

1. thanks again for coming on thursday!
2. i'm bummed about the photo blog, but i understand.
3. hope to see you soon!

Libba Lemon said...

I loved our couch time too (as always) and am glad that after 9 years we are still having the exceptionally good chats that first made us friends.

Thank you so much for coming again and for bringing your mom! Unfortunately I miss you more the more I see you. We'll plan to head your way in March.