Monday, January 28, 2008


I ended up preparing the lasagna and then freezing it, to be thawed and cooked later. Three people advised me to do it this way, two voted for cooking before freezing, and about six admitted having no idea. I'll find out in a few weeks how it turned out and will report back.

Today was my kind of day. First I spent some time editing, then at 10 a.m. a person I've talked to a few times but never met called wanting to make an offer on a lot. Around noon Amanda and I began an extravagantly long lunch. During lunch two people whom I'd cold-called about buying their unlisted lots called back to say they are interested in selling, which is something of a miracle.

Right after I got back to the office the buyer came by to sign the paperwork and I submitted the offer, and then it was time to go to a grievance committee meeting, which satisfied my need to be nosy. And then I went straight home, picked up Matt and dinner, and took it to Melissa's for us all to eat.

I'm having a hard time forcing myself to finish this terrible book I started, "Love, Again" by Doris Lessing, but I'm way too far in to quit. Normally if I don't like a book, I just quit reading it. I haven't had to be disciplined about finishing one since college. This particular book is so very bad that I am no longer going to consider Lessing one of my favorite authors. I do love her short stories, but she should stick to them.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I loved our lunch! Mom said that Nana told her she saw us out, and I giggled out loud just thinking about her "waste not" speech. So cute!!