Saturday, November 24, 2007

I am happy

I'm sitting on our couch with my feet propped on the ottoman, bundled in layers of pajamas, a robe and a sweatshirt blanket. My second cup of great coffee is within reach and there's more in the pot. I just ate the last of Granny's scrumptious fruit salad.

Matt's on his way to the State game with his guys. The house is quiet and clean and warm and sunshine is streaming through the blinds.

I'm going to sit here for a couple of hours and knock out most of the Alabama story, and then I'm going to take a break to eat some of Mom's turkey soup. I'll start cooking something delicious for dinner in the crockpot, and then I'm going to do some touch-up painting on our end tables while I listen to bad country music, and then I'm going to have a long run.

After a hot shower I'll get back in my pajamas and return to this spot on the couch and try to finish "Slaughterhouse-Five" before Matt gets home.

Happy me.

1 comment:

Just Jinny said...

Man, I LOVE days like that! I hope you enjoy yours.

And as I sit here typing this comment I see over on the right hand side your 'Thinking' section. That short sentence..basically sums up my whole religious/spiritual position at this moment. I might have to make it my mantra.