Saturday, September 8, 2007

Onions and pizza

Matt and I just went to Wal-Mart for the first time in about three months. I hope it's another three months before we go again, but sometimes when you need to restock on everything from toilet paper to mascara to brown sugar to air filters, you have to compromise your ideals in order to save a lot of money.

I was leading the way around the store and Matt was right behind me with the cart. (You know how in Wal-Mart you have to walk single file because the aisles are too skinny and perpetually overcrowded.) We were in the floss and toothpaste section when Matt says, "Jenn! Did you get onions and pizza?" Not on our list, so no. But a bag of onions and three frozen pizzas were in our cart.

Apparently at some point our cart had gotten mixed up with someone else's. We had to repeat the first half of our trip through the store -- not cool! -- but it was really funny. Lesson: Don't take your eyes off of your cart in Wal-Mart.

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