It's against Mom's religion to greet me empty-handed. She always has a book (or five) from a yard sale or a bag of clipped coupons or lotion she knows I like or a new kind of candy that was buy-one-get-one-free.
Today she gave me a black-cherry-scented candle, a "Masterpiece Treasures from the World's Great Artists"-themed 2008 calendar, and three pieces of "correspondence" from my younger days. None of the letters were intended for her or Dad, but somehow they ended up in their hands.
The earliest one was dated Oct. 8, 1992 -- a period in which I was obsessed with pen-pals. I had two pen-pals, Jenny from Georgia and Vanessa from Puerto Rico, with whom I corresponded for years. I also had, I'm sure, at least 15 or 20 others at one time or another until about ninth grade.
Jenny was in my aunt Caryn's second-grade (?) class, and my second-grade teacher set me up with Vanessa. Another pen-pal was the daughter of far-flung family friends, and many others were girls I met at various summer camps. I also found some through what were basically pen-pal matching programs that advertised in the back of magazines like Teen and Seventeen and YM.
I LOVED getting mail and writing letters, to the point that one year Granny and Granddaddy gave me a roll of stamps for my birthday.
Anyway, back to the letters Mom had found. The October 1992 one was written to the postmaster. "I have become interested in the postmarks from various areas all over the United States, and unfortunately I feel our postmark is rather ordinary. I would like to suggest you consider using a more interesting postmark." I proposed coming up with something "informative as well as interesting" -- perhaps "items of local interest, such as festivals or fairs."
The next letter was written the following spring, in April 1993, to Dr. Joycelyn Elders, the former U.S. surgeon general. I literally cringed when I read it this morning. The topic was condoms in schools. I was 13 and clueless, obnoxious and and wa-a-y overdramatic. "I agree that sometimes condoms can provide protection, to a degree. But this does not solve the problem. If you don't care about getting to the root of our country's problems, then read no further." Nice. A few paragraphs later: "I know what I am talking about, more than a bunch of well-meaning yet ignorant people in Washington."
I am holding out hope that the fact that Mom unburied this letter from somewhere in her house means that she or Dad intercepted it before it was mailed -- but I'm afraid the one in my hands might just be an extra copy.
The third letter, from March 24, 1997, wasn't actually a letter but a forged note: "Please excuse Jennifer Loyd after third period. She has an appointment with our church directory committee." At the bottom I had signed Mom's name with a flourish. I can't imagine why I thought that excuse would be believable.
Even though I'm always giving Mom and Dad a hard time about being pack rats, I have to say that once in a while I'm glad they've kept stuff like this so I can look back and laugh.
those letters are totally you and so fun! i was exactly the same way...i can't imagine what i'd find if i went digging around my dad's attic.
did i ever tell you that the couple that founded the preschool are the parents of my pen-pal since first grade? i didn't find out until after i was hired. now she & i are back in touch - in fact, the whole family came to our wedding!
hurrah for pen-pals and letter-writing!
This is the best post ever! I wish everyone would post their old stuff like this.
Mom gave me something like that the other day - maybe I'll post it soon.
Amanda -- I was totally thinking of you and Amy Lee as I wrote this. Definitely post whatever Mom gave you -- I'd love to read it!
#1, what does all this have to do with being a dork?
#2, you covered almost as many topics in this post as in your 100 stream-of-consciousness post.
There's a lot more cool stuff around this house and in the garage. When will it be revealed? "All in good time. All in good time." (Gandalf)
Love, Dad
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