Sunday, May 27, 2007

Home again

I love going through the mail when you've been gone for a few days! This week's included a wedding invitation, three anniversary cards, a save-the-date for our 10-year high school reunion, my marathon-completion certificate (three months later) and a thing from the NC Secretary of State saying our new LLC is now an official entity. There also was some junk mail, a magazine and several catalogs but no bills.

For a long time I resisted paying bills online but I finally made the switch last year and it was such a good move. Now, all of our bills are linked to one credit card, so we have just one check to write a month. Plus we get 1 percent back on that bill so the bigger it is the happier I am.

Matt is watching the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Stephen, Christy and Bill right now. I'm so glad I got out of that. I realize that I seem to be the only person who doesn't like those movies, but I have tried to and I just don't. I agreed to see the second one on the promise of movie theater popcorn and Coke, but I still slept through about half of it. (Granted, it was a midnight showing.) I don't know what I'm missing.

We're on for a Memorial Day cookout at our house tomorrow night around 7 or 7:30. So far the menu is barbecued chicken, salad, corn on the cob, green beans, pretzels with a dip Matt is newly obsessed with, macaroni and cheese, and homemade strawberry ice cream for dessert. Yes, cheeseballs from our bottomless plastic jar will also be served. If there's anything else you want to bring feel free, but if not that's fine too.

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