Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tested cure to stop hair loss

I try to glance through my junk email inbox every couple of days to make sure nothing "real" has accidentally ended up there. The subject lines typically announce discounted prescription drugs (lots of Viagra), Britney naked on a beach, "your order approved," advice from A. Jolie, Rolex replicas that last a lifetime, and similarly tantalizing things.

(How about this jewel: "No test, No class, buy yourself Bacheelor/MasteerMBA/Doctoraate dip1omas, VALID in all countries.")

I had to smile this morning when I noticed that one e-spammer has taken a different tack with subjects such as "you look really stupid jennifer" and "what a stupid face you have here jennifer." I guess the idea is that if people aren't persuaded by "good afternoon, i have a good software," they might find an insulting subject line impossible to resist?

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