Monday, February 25, 2008

You've been warned

Remember how last November was National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) and I and thousands of other bloggers posted at least once a day? That was such a hit that it's expanding to other months, starting in March. Each month will have a theme (optional). I'm not saying I'll do this every month, but March's theme is lists, and what's more natural to me than making lists? Almost nothing.

I mention this now mostly in hopes of persuading some of you readers to join me in this. Maybe you can never think of anything to write about, but I bet you can compile a list of 25 things you want to do before you die or 15 pet peeves or 10 favorite movies. Maybe you don't even have a blog but have been thinking about starting one. This would be a great way to kick it off. And don't forget to let me know about it!


Libba Lemon said...

I'll do it with you, since we are kindred list-lovers!

Jennifer Kirby said...

YAY! I can't wait to read all of yours! You do realize how spoiled I'm going to be after a month of daily posts from you, right?

Amanda said...

I was wondering if you were going to do this! I started thinking of lists about two weeks ago in preparation!! Hopefully we can all feed off of each other.

Jennifer Kirby said...

Awesome! It's going to be as much fun to read all the list ideas as the lists themselves.