Friday, October 12, 2007

Whole lot of nothing

Today is a day that it's a good thing I'm not on salary.

Here's a sadly comprehensive list of everything I've done thus far.

Woke up. Drank coffee. Realized full-fat half-and-half is superior to the skim kind. Read yesterday's newspaper. Edited for an hour. Took the candidate survey. Blogged about it. Wrote corny intro paragraph for the lessons list's forthcoming appearance in the local newspaper. Emailed Dad about the land transfer tax. Took a shower. Went to the office.

Started composing an email to a woman with some land we might list or buy. Called Amanda. Faxed an invoice. Read the newspaper. Talked to Lauren. Ate an early lunch with Matt and Stephen. Checked messages. Worked some more on the email. Decided to call instead. Couldn't find her phone number. Dug through my trash. Futile. Emailed her asking for her phone number. Got a response and called her while walking all over downtown. Wrote her a follow-up email.

Mailed two thank-you notes. Called the town with a zoning question. Emailed Lib about getting together one weekend. Checked friends' blogs. RSVP'd for Katie's lingerie/slumber party. Left Maegan a message. Had an email exchange with Christy about all caps. Promised to post beauty pageant picture in the near future.

Decided to go home to be at least semi-productive. Got a call saying an offer was coming in within the hour. Sat back down to wait. Wrote the above paragraphs.

Offer arrived and is now being scrutinized by the more useful members of our company. I should go help. And then I'll go home.

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