Friday, October 12, 2007

Ignorance is not bliss

This morning Dad sent me a link to a website,, at which you can take an 11-question survey and see how your views fit with the presidential candidates'.

Obviously, an 11-question survey is going to have some limitations. For example, surveyers are given four options for their views on immigration, but must choose a simple yes or no regarding their support for legalized abortion. And I am so ignorant about a couple of the issues that I probably should have skipped those questions for now.

John Edwards popped up as the candidate most closely aligned with my views. That kind of surprised me, but I guess it shouldn't have. I was a big fan of his back in college, when he was first running for Senate. Holly and I plastered his bumper stickers all over our dorm room.

I've been putting off thinking about the next presidential election mostly to protest the fact that campaigning starts so early. It's worse than Wal-Mart selling Christmas items in August -- and that's saying something.

But I can't delay it forever. To paraphrase Lib, I tend to be more passioned than reasoned when it comes to politics. It's time to start doing my research so I can develop informed opinions and defend them intelligently. I challenge you to do the same!


Lauren Greaves said...

I ended up with Rudy Giuliani.

Libba Lemon said...

I was John Edwards, too! I still think I could have liked him, had he not given such a horrible speech at my graduation.

Plan of action: keep my mouth shut until I have further researched.

Amanda said...

I got John Edwards too, but I think I was hoping for Barack Obama. Also, I didn't answer 6 of the questions - I should probably retake the quiz...