Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Free lunch! Cash drawing! Please come!

I am tired. Today I held a broker open house, only my second one ever. Broker open houses are meant to introduce new listings to other agents so they (theoretically) will be more likely to sell them.

Some sellers think open houses are very important, but the ones for the public are much more useful as a way for agents to meet potential clients than as a way to sell a house. Broker open houses are useful for networking and little else.

For the first time I partnered with a mortgage broker, who provided lunch while I provided drinks and a cash door prize. Realtors usually show up en masse for free food and money. Who can blame them?

At first I thought that was a good idea (splitting costs) but a few days ago I started worrying that no one would show up and I would have asked the mortgage broker to spend a lot of money and go to a lot of trouble for nothing.

So I resorted to what annoying Realtors do all the time: a cheesy e-mail blitz. Day 1: New listing flier. Day 2: Open house flier. Day 3 (today): Reminder flier -- except today my email has not been working and that one didn't go out. (I'm sure it will tomorrow.)

The good news is that we ended up having a fantastic turnout -- 30-some agents. At one point I mentioned being pleasantly surprised that so many people came, and an older agent (they're all older) turned to me and said, "Honey, you're still new enough that people like you." Uh ... thank you?

I'm tired of hearing myself whine, so I'll quit here. Besides, I need to send out an email to all invitees announcing the winner of the cash prize.

1 comment:

Shannon Paris, Marketing Director/Realtor said...

"you're still new enough that people like you?" Are you kidding me? I have worked in real estate for three years and it doesn't surprise me that one realtor would find a way to cut another one done, in a "bless your heart" kind of way. Congrats on the great turn out though, I've done four open houses, I've had as few as no buyers and as many as five. It's all touch and go.