Monday, September 10, 2007

To label or not to label?

I always label posts according to a category (everyday life, work, running, peeves, resolutions, etc.) but I hide the labels because they add clutter to the page and have always seemed unnecessary. But now that I am approaching my hundredth post -- that's a lot of blogging blabber! -- it occurs to me that maybe showing the labels would be helpful.

For example, if you were a new reader and found most of the posts to be of the "take it or leave it" variety, but were interested in all those that included recipes, you could easily find just those without sorting through the rest.

Because I've also been wanting to try out Blogger's new poll feature, I would like to present a poll on the matter. If you're reading this and there's no poll on the right side of this page (beneath the picture), you'll know I couldn't figure out how to work it. In that case you could just leave a comment.

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