Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A gem of a gym

Working out while watching bad 4 o'clock TV is not the only reason I love my gym membership.

Once a week I use it for a "swim date" with Claire -- Evan stays in the nursery while we play in the indoor pool. It's really fun one-on-one time and we both look forward to it every week.

Several months ago when I had a sinus infection that knocked me flat, I dropped the kids off in the gym nursery and read books and magazines while dangling my feet in the hot tub and pool.

At least once I used the gym solely to take a shower with the kids nowhere in sight. Literally, I left them in the nursery and headed straight to the locker room for a long hot shower. I shaved my legs -- even above the knees (luxury). I skipped the two-in-one for separate shampoo and conditioner (luxury). I blowdried my hair, applied my makeup and got dressed in peace (luxury, luxury, luxury).

Occasionally I also use the gym for doing work. This afternoon I had some late editing come in and I wanted to knock it out before tomorrow so my morning's free for some running around that will be 100 times easier if I can do it while the kids are at school. I traded the treadmill for my laptop and got it done. I even brought as-yet-unfinished "Jane Eyre" along, but that turned out to be overly optimistic. What did people do before free WiFi?


Sweet Tea Mama said...

that is an awesome idea about swimming with Claire. I might steal that one.

Weeks said...

I swim with Corbin each week too ;) LOVE First Health