After the girls charmed each other, we went to lunch, and afterward both girls napped while Lib and I got two hours of uninterrupted conversation. Heaven! Lib had to work tonight so Claire and I headed out around 4 p.m.
I felt bad that Claire had spent so much time strapped into a car seat and/or asleep today, so we stopped in Monroe to go shoe shopping at a Target, Ross and TJ Maxx that were conveniently located right in a row in a shopping center. I got two pairs of really cute flats for $12, one at Target and one at Ross.
A little later we passed a Harris Teeter so I decided to stop and see if I could use some of my coupons on things our Harris Teeter has consistently been out of since triples started. I was able to get two more $.34 Windexes but they were out of a few of the other deals that have eluded me. I'll check the local store one more time tomorrow and just get rainchecks for whatever's still out of stock.
The one that's driving me most crazy is Scrubbing Bubbles. I have two $.75 coupons plus a coupon for $2 off two, so they'll be free (or extremely close) if Harris Teeter allows me to use two coupons on one product. We use Scrubbing Bubbles all the time. It's nothing special, really, but it reminds me of cleaning Matt's bathroom during college. Ah, those were the days. :) I know Maegan can relate. I have no idea why, but he always had a can of Scrubbing Bubbles around.
I got sick of posting about triple coupons but I've done about seven rounds, saving a lot of money and getting so much free/almost free stuff that I had to reorganize our laundry room shelves to make room for it all. It's pretty incredible. I need to add up my receipts and see how much I spent and saved this week. Matt came with me one night and we wound up buying pork tenderloin, beer and hot dogs that I wouldn't have bought without him, which threw off my numbers, but they were at least all on VIC special.
If you haven't read Amanda's blog today, you need to go there right now and read about what she's doing with her massive amounts of freebies. Amanda, I love you and your frugal ways and your generous heart!
LOL, glad to see that my husband isn't the only one who messes up my totals when he comes to HT with me! (and I'm not sure if HT will let you use 2 coupons, unless one is a store coupon and one is a manufacturer coupon)
You're hilarious! That is great about your shop stops on the way home. By the way, even though HT won't let you use both your 75 coupons, at $5 for two SB products, minus $2.25 from one coupon, minus $2 from the other, it'll still just be $0.75 for both, which still may be worth it to you considering this is "sentimental" to you. Haha! Anyway, that's not a bad price. Thanks for the shout out! I love you!
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