Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy weekend to you!

Last Sunday Matt and I were about to walk out the door to church when I noticed his khakis and shirt were wrinkly. For some reason, they looked like they'd been washed, dried and tossed into a laundry basket, where they'd sat for a week.

I told him I was sorry for being such a bad wife, domestically speaking. He said, "I don't care about cleaning and cooking. That's not the stuff that matters." Right answer! Good man!

Today I ironed the pile of clothes stacked on the ironing board. It's the least I can do.


Yesterday I was leaving CrossFit when I got a call that one of our closings had recorded and the attorney was leaving the commission check for me at her front desk. Her office was on my way home so I stopped by to pick it up. The receptionist blatantly looked me up and down (I was wearing my gym clothes -- a T-shirt and running shorts -- and possibly still sweating) and said, "This is a large amount of money and I'd like to see some proof of identity before I release it to you."

So I went back to my car and got my driver's license to show her I am me. She continued to give off a vibe of disapproval but she did half-heartedly apologize for making me do that. I was all, No, don't apologize, I'm glad you're careful about who you release our checks to. Which is true, but it did make me think. I am positive if I'd been wearing normal work clothes she would have handed it over without a second thought.

I pick up checks from people who don't know me all the time and no one else has ever questioned my identity. In fact, the reverse is more frequently true: People give me the benefit of the doubt with no good reason. I'll be buying something at a (supposedly) cash-only business only to discover at the register that I'm out of cash. In my experience, if you ask nicely, they'll say something like, "Well, I guess we can take a check from you." That's not fair either.

Of course, you could argue that a $4 check for a half-dozen Granny's Doughnuts doesn't demand the same scrutiny as a real estate commission check. But it's the same principle. (And any business that bends the rules for some clients and not for others is walking on thin ice. But maybe I'm just paranoid from an excess of Fair Housing training.)

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