Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Green postcard

Things you don't want to receive in the mail when you are halfway through building your new house on a lot you bought primarily because it backed up to woods and the lot to the left of it appeared too small to be buildable:

Dear Property Owner:

[Your town] has received a request for a new home on property located [next door to you]. The proposed project meets all the zoning and building code requirements for [your town]. As the owner of the property within 100 feet or line of sight of the subject property, you are receiving a courtesy notice.

In other words, just about the time we move into our new house, one will be starting construction on the lot next door to us. That is just exactly my luck!

Thankfully we have not taken down a single tree that wasn't right in the house's footprint so I hope our yard will still feel fairly secluded. But I bet this means we'll be moving on to our next house sooner than we had anticipated -- maybe in three years or less. Well, I guess I should see what the neighbors are like before I say that.

In other house news, a lot of work has happened recently on the exterior. Here are some pictures from yesterday.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh! That's so exciting! I can't wait to see the finished version!