Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mortgage shopping

Shopping for a mortgage is stressful! I always give my buyers at least three names and encourage them to shop around.

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to compare apples to apples in mortgages, so it's not as simple as picking the company with the best rate, I now see. Matt and I have an additional layer of pressure because the loan officers we're talking to are either a) friends, b) former clients, c) people with whom we already have a business relationship or d) people with whom we hope to establish a business relationship. I want to work with all of them!

We need to make a decision by tomorrow. If anyone has advice, offer it fast. Otherwise, we'll probably draw a name from a hat.


Amanda said...

I say if you are going to be pushed aside to Pam's assistants and such, that's the clincher. If that's the case, I vote for Liz. Otherwise, I have no comment.

P.S. Keep in mind my opinion is that everyone can screw it up equally.

Libba Lemon said...

Hey, what ended up determining the decision?

So exciting!

Anonymous said...

We had narrowed it down to two and were stuck there until Amanda's loan officer came through like a champ, sweet-talking underwriters and pulling other rabbits out of her hat for an early closing -- almost unheard of. We're going to go with her, although I haven't told our second choice yet, and I'm not looking forward to it...